Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT™)

Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT™) is based on the foundational principle that the brain and the nervous system control and coordinate all functions of the body. Unresolved emotional stress, past or present, can adversely affect the nervous system, possibly leading to physical, mental, and emotional breakdown.

QNRT™ associates common experiences such as sleeplessness, anxiety, nervousness, fatigue, soreness, and gastrointestinal complications with past adverse emotional stress events, demonstrating the mind-body connection.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study

The principles of QNRT™ are supported by the findings of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, which relate to future symptoms, behaviors, and illnesses. According to the ACE Study, children who have experienced adverse emotional experiences were prone to many health and social problems continuing into adulthood, including:

  • Health issues like heart, liver, and respiratory concerns
  • Mental issues like sadness, anxiety, and anger
  • High-risk social behaviors like drug abuse, alcoholism, and early sexual behavior

The ACE Study concludes that related issues can occur much later in life – long after the adverse emotional experience, demonstrating the mind-body connection to overall health.

The QNRT™ Experience

QNRT™ focuses on three main areas during therapy:

  • Release: It works to release individual adverse emotional experiences identified through evaluating the stress factors of the mind-body connection.
  • Reprogram: It works to reprogram the coping mechanisms built from adverse emotional experiences, such as false beliefs, negative life patterns, or unwanted core drivers.
  • Reset: It works to reset the brain and neurological pathways to all areas of the body so the individual can heal, unencumbered from the tangle that has been created in the nervous system.

Adverse Benefits of QNRT™ Experiences (ACE) Study

QNRT™ has been in clinical practice internationally and in the USA for over eight years. During this time, thousands of individuals have experienced the multiple life-changing benefits of ongoing QNRT™ therapy.

Anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that for 95% of clients, unburdening the nervous system using QNRT™ may:

  • Reduce the total body and emotional stress load
  • Regulate stress hormones
  • Relieve joint and muscle discomfort
  • Restore vitality and positive outlook
  • Support resiliency of the brain
  • Empower the individual to make positive changes
  • Support energy and overall well-being
  • Support memory, focus, and acuity
  • Support sleep quality
  • Support the immune system
  • Resolve background fears, anxieties, worries, and anger

Are You Interested in Learning More About QNRT™?

QNRT™ offers a holistic approach to addressing the mind-body connection and the long-term effects of adverse emotional experiences. If you're interested in learning more about this therapy and how it can benefit you, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Holze Wellness. Our experienced practitioners will happily answer your questions and provide more information about this innovative therapy.

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