Payment Options

For the convenience of our clients, we request payment for services rendered at the time of your visit. We accept various payment methods, including Mastercard, Visa, Discover, cash, and check. Please note that we do not accept post-dated checks.

Important Insurance Information

Our dedication lies in providing comprehensive wellness care tailored to each individual client's needs rather than being bound by restrictions imposed by insurance companies. As a result, we do not participate in insurance programs or provide receipts for insurance reimbursement.

Flex Plans

If your Flex Plan permits submission of credit card receipts or check copies for reimbursement, you may utilize this option. However, we do not offer any treatment verification for insurance purposes.


It's important to mention that we do not accept Medicare. While we do provide care for patients over 65, chiropractic adjustments are not administered to this age group.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with our payment policies as we strive to deliver our clients the highest quality wellness care.

Looking for More Information?

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions about your visit. We look forward to meeting you!

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