Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology (A.K.) is an interdisciplinary approach to health care that draws together the core elements of complementary therapies, creating a more unified approach to the diagnosis and treatment of functional illness. It uses functional assessment measures such as posture and gait analysis, manual muscle testing as functional neurologic evaluation, range of motion, static palpation, and motion analysis.

These assessments are used in conjunction with standard methods of diagnosis, such as clinical history, physical examination findings, laboratory tests, and instrumentation, to develop a clinical impression of each patient's unique physiologic condition, including an impression of the patient’s functional physiologic status.

The Applied Kinesiology Process

In Applied Kinesiology, the practitioner finds a weak muscle and attempts to determine the underlying cause of its improper functioning. The practitioner then evaluates and applies the appropriate therapy to eliminate muscle weakness and help the patient. Therapies utilized can include:

  • Specific joint manipulation or mobilization
  • Various myofascial therapies
  • Cranial techniques
  • Meridian therapy
  • Clinical nutrition
  • Dietary management
  • Various reflex procedures

In some cases, the examiner may test for environmental or food sensitivities by using a previously strong muscle to identify potential weakening factors.

Proposed Etiologies for Muscle Dysfunction

The failure of a muscle to perform properly during manual muscle testing may indicate dysfunction, which could be due to improper facilitation or neuromuscular inhibition. Some of the proposed etiologies for muscle dysfunction include:

  • Myofascial or proprioceptive dysfunctions and micro avulsions
  • Peripheral nerve entrapment
  • Spinal segmental facilitation and deafferentation
  • Neurologic disorganization
  • Viscerosomatic relationships (aberrant autonomic reflexes)
  • Nutritional inadequacy
  • Toxic chemical influences
  • Dysfunction in the production or circulation of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Adverse mechanical tension in the meningeal membranes
  • Meridian system imbalance
  • Lymphatic and vascular impairment

The Origins of Applied Kinesiology

In 1964, Dr. Goodheart observed that a weak muscle could be treated, and its strength immediately improved. This simple observation led him to a lifelong search for other treatment methods to enhance muscle strength. Along the way, he discovered factors that could negatively affect the strength and functioning of muscles, leading to the development of Applied Kinesiology.

Applied Kinesiology is best described as a technique that uses muscle testing as a diagnostic tool to augment the examination skills of healthcare professionals, allowing for an integrated approach to different therapies tailored to each patient.

Do You Have Other Questions About Applied Kinesiology?

If you're interested in exploring Applied Kinesiology as a potential treatment approach, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our experienced practitioners at Holze Wellness. Our team will be happy to assess your needs and determine if Applied Kinesiology could benefit your healthcare journey.

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