Allergy/Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique

Looking for a cutting-edge holistic approach to addressing allergies, sensitivities, and imbalances within the body? Allergy/Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique (A/SERT) combines the principles of energy medicine with advanced technology to identify and eliminate allergens and sensitivities, allowing your body to function optimally and promoting overall well-being.

What is A/SERT?

A/SERT (Allergy/Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique) is a revolutionary treatment system based on the principles of Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Applied Kinesiology (Muscle Response Testing). Developed by Dr. John Brimhall, A/SERT is a modification of NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique) created by Dr. Devi Nambudripad. In conjunction with the 10-Step Protocol, this treatment can bring about dramatic improvement – at times even total elimination – for all types of allergies.

How Does A/SERT Work?

A/SERT is based on the recognition that all things in the universe, animate and inanimate, have their own specific electromagnetic fields due to their atomic and molecular makeup, which affect each other. This electromagnetic energy is associated with meridians (energy pathways) in acupuncture and chi in Chinese Medicine.

According to Dr. Nambudripad, your energy system and brain interpret certain substances as potentially harmful to your body, and your body reacts by freezing up energy pathways to defend itself against these unsuitable substances. This blockage can, in turn, block your energy meridians. If this condition continues, your body's overall functioning suffers.

A/SERT Diagnostics and Desensitization

By placing a sample of a suspected allergen into a person's hand and using Applied Kinesiology muscle testing, the A/SERT practitioner can determine whether the substance causes an energy blockage in the patient's body. Such blockages can lead to various symptoms, from sneezing and coughing to chronic diseases like asthma.

During the desensitization process, the A/SERT practitioner stimulates key points along the patient's spine while the patient is holding the allergen. The doctor also stimulates certain meridian points, specific organs, and lobes of the brain with a Low-Level Laser. This process triggers a chemical change in the autonomic nervous system, neutralizing any allergic reaction to the substance.

A/SERT reprograms the brain and the nervous system, eliminating the body's conditioned response to the allergen.

Experience the Transformative Power of A/SERT

If you're interested in exploring A/SERT as a potential solution for your allergies or sensitivities, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our experienced A/SERT practitioners at Holze Wellness. They will happily provide you with a comprehensive evaluation and determine if A/SERT could be an effective treatment option for you.

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