What are the Top 10 Whole Foods for Health?

April 21, 2011
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Nutritionally, there is no perfect food, although a few come pretty close. And even if there were, who’d want to eat the same thing every meal, everyday? Fortunately, variety and healthy eating can go hand in hand, particularly if you know where to look. This is a list of foods that pack a nutritional punch and can be incorporated into a wide variety of meal plans.1) Anything fresh-Fresh food contains a complete array of nutrients, which is justnot available in many processed foods.2) Beets– The roots and leaves are packed with antioxidant phytochemicals, provide much needed vitamins and minerals and are a good source of fiber.3) Rye– Helps us feel full, produces a low insulin response, and it is a good source of fiber and minerals.4) Organic Berries– add fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants to your diet.5) Fermented Foods– Provide good bacteria to our intestinal tract.6) Legumes-Great source of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.7) Cruciferous vegetables– Rich in phytochemicals which aid in detoxification8) Organic Figs– High in fiber, potassium, and manganese.9) Fatty Fish– Contain a high concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids10) Whatever you don’t eat now– Variety is important with any meal plan.

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