“Growing pains” have long been presumed to be the result of a child having a growing spurt, although no one really knows for sure. An estimated 25 to 40 pecent of pre-school and school age children experience them. They are usually felt as throbbing or aching pains in the legs at night or in the late afternoon, but they may be felt in other joints and muscles, too.Dosages are given at the end of each remedy description. Repeat the remedy, (in 30c potency) only if there is a return of any symptoms.Calc phos: For big growth spurts in which the child has grown tall too quickly, especially in the legs. The pains are shooting in all directions.If your child is experiencing a lot of cramping in the legs while walking, alternate Calc phos and Mag phos. Give 2 pellets of one remedy one day and a dose of the other the next day. Worse from: cold, damp, motion, exertion, Better from: warm, dry, lying down and rest.Eupatorium: Pains in the back and legs. The flesh actually feels sore in these areas. Back and calves may feel bruised. Worse from: Autumn, winter, movement, open air. Better from: Sweating and lying.the ankle. The hamstrings feel too short, weakness in thighs, stiffness and lameness in the legs. Joints are swollen, painful, and hot. Cannot bear any pressure. Give remedy daily for one week. Worse from: heat, pressure, touch, and motion. Better from: cool applications and gentle stretching.Phosphoric acid: Pains at night that make the bones feel as if they were being scraped. Great weakness and tearing pains in joints and bones. May feel as though ants are crawling under the skin of the legs. Give remedy daily for one week. Worse from: Overexertion whether physical, emotional, or mental, cold night drafts, sitting, standing, and loss of vital fluids. Better from: warmth, short naps, and hydration.Silicea: The back is weak, and the child is sensitive to drafts on their backs. Legs may feel paralyzed and may have trembling when walking. Sometimes pains and weakness in hips, legs, and feet, Worse from: cold air, damp, fresh air, and touch. Better from: heat, warm rooms, and rest.
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