A new documentary focusing on the benefits of alternative approaches to healthcare seeks to start a national dialog about the American medical industry. Doctored explores issues concerning chiropractic and alternative healthcare.
“Your back pain will require SURGERY”“Without these pills, you face life-long PAIN”“Your child’s behavior requires MEDICATION”That’s what the doctor tells you, but who tells the doctor what to say?A visit to the doctor can be traumatic enough. Now we learn about the “influencers” – the people you never see, but whose job it is to turn you into a compliant, pill popping, revenue generation unit. And at all costs.Doctored reveals the unseen tactics of these “influencers” in an investigation that leads to the highest levels of the American Medical Association (AMA) and reveals an alarming portrait of deception and criminality. Along the way we wonder:
Why do so many people think chiropractors are “quacks,” nutritional supplements a waste of money, and acupuncture a fringe therapy?
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