Detoxification: A New 21st Century Model

December 16, 2014
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Detoxification is a health term in the public domain that specifies the body’s innate process of removing or altering metabolic wastes and acquired toxins, so the body can perform its life processes unencumbered by detrimental elements and disruptive molecules. Thus detoxification is the body’s natural process to “recycle” or “take out the trash.”

The best way to detoxify is to work with the body’s own systems. This is really the essence of natural health: working with the body rather than inflicting chemical demands. Here is a plan to build the body nutritionally so it can detoxify itself.

1) Support the liver with phytonutrients

(organic fruit/vegetables, herbs). Build liver function nutritionally.

2) Assist the body to remove toxins from the storage depots (the fat cells and extracellular matrix) by increasing its overall nutritional health (organic fruit/vegetables, herbs) using superfoods such as chlorella and chelating herbs.

3) Support the intracellular processes (methylation, ATP production, free radical quenching, telomere repair, membrane fluidity, etc.) nutritionally for optimal health. This phase is cutting edge and there are supplements to help cellular health and healing.

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