Beating Jet Lag

January 11, 2013
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Frequent travelers know it well: jet lag, that feeling of not being in sync with the local time zone after a lengthy flight. It can produce feelings of fatigue, nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability, and even constipation or diarrhea.The medical name for it is desynchronosis, and though you may not be able to eliminate it completely from your itinerary, you can minimize its effects upon arrival. Here’s how to get your trip off to a good start.1) Adjust your sleep schedule before leaving. As much as possible in the days before your departure, try to match your sleep schedule to the time zone you’ll be in. Go to bed and get up a little earlier.2) Stay in Shape. The better your physical condition is before you travel, the easier the transition will be. Exercise regularly, eat well, and get rest.3) Wear comfortable clothing. You’ll be able to relax better on the plane if your clothes are loose and your shoes don’t restrict your movement or blood flow.4) Drink lots of water. Avoid alcohol and caffeine on the plane, but drink plenty of other liquids to minimize the effects of dehydration that can accompany air travel. The body does not detoxify as well at high altitudes which makes water especially important as well as taking your multiple vitamin before and right after being on the plane.5) Walk around the plane. Once the seatbelt sign is off, follow the crew’s advice and feel free to move about the cabin. Keeping you blood flowing will make you feel better and lower the risk of developing blood clots that inactivity can cause.6) Adapt to the local schedule quickly. You’ll be tired when you arrive, but don’t go right to bed if the local time is 8 a.m. Try to stay up, or take just a brief nap. Get out into the sunlight as much as possible—exposure to the sun’s rays will help your body adjust to the new clock.7) If you have purchased a Mini Harmonizer from our office, having this on near you while you are flying can also help with Jet lag. This machine puts off the Earth’s natural frequency which helps re-charge the body.

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